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Contrary to what our nifty little advertisers would have you believe, we will not be appearing at 92nd Street Y tomorrow, and not simply because it's above 14th and terribly inconvenient. As it turns out, the venue was actually charging $25 (American!) for admission, which we find mildly absurd. The octogenarian retirees who make up most of the 92Y regulars are, of course, happy to pay that for, say, Phillip Roth. But for some dirty-mouthed kid they've never heard of? Survey says no.

We couldn't ever expect the usual Gawker audience to pay real money just to listen to us stutter. Besides, you can read our insane babble right here, every day, for free — and if you can believe it, we're even less impressive in person (hang out at Lolita long enough, and you can see for yourself at no cost). So, really, the whole overpriced thing just isn't worth it, and it's cancelled. Seriously, we wouldn't pay $25 to listen to a writer if it were James fucking Joyce.