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The obsessively comprehensive and utterly amusing blog Regret the Error, which tracks noteworthy corrections into newspapers around the world, today published its list of the year's best corrections. Top honors went to the Denver Daily News, which won Correction of the Year for this squib from its July 27 edition:

The Denver Daily News would like to offer a sincere apology for a typo in Wednesday's Town Talk regarding New Jersey's proposal to ban smoking in automobiles. It was not the author's intention to call New Jersey 'Jew Jersey.'

Lots of other winners touched on the Big Apple and environs. They're after the jump. (And the whole, big list is here.)

Typo of the Year, printed in Times:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Quaker Maid Meats Inc. on Tuesday said it would voluntarily recall 94,400 pounds of frozen ground beef panties that may be contaminated with E. Coli.

Best Rewriting of History, from the Times:

An obituary of the civil rights leader James Forman yesterday misstated a word in describing his call, in 1969, for reparations to be paid by Protestant and Jewish groups for the crimes of slavery. Mr. Forman asked for $500 million for crimes perpetrated against generations of blacks, not "by" them.

Best Porn Errors, as recounted in Mediaweek:

Fairchild Publications, publisher of Jane and Modern Bride, announced it will pull some 200,000 copies of YM Your Prom off newsstands after Studio 17, a prom-dress advertiser, mistakenly printed a child-porn Web site address in two of its six ad pages. Fairchild had put a total of 680,000 copies on newsstand in late December, but an estimated 75 percent had already been sold.

And a correction, in a similar vein, from Us Weekly:

In our feature "Why She Left Him" [March 21, 2005], the woman identified in the photograph as former adult-film star Ginger Lynn Allen in neither Ms. Allen nor an adult-film actress. Us regrets the error.

Best Delayed Correction, from the Times:

An obituary on Jan. 6, 1993, about William G. McLoughlin, an emeritus professor of history and religion at Brown University, misstated the date and cause of his death. Professor McLoughlin died on Dec. 28, 1992, not on Jan. 4, 1993; the cause was colon cancer, not liver cancer. The article also misstated the location of his World War II military service. It was at Fort Sill, Okla., not in Europe. The Times learned of the errors through a recent e-mail message from a family member.

Best Judy Miller Correction, appearing in an internal memo from the Times:

The address to send books to Judy Miller was incorrect. The error was caught by C.J. Satterwhite, a news assistant for City Weekly, who had a 34-lb box of books returned to her.

Here is the correct address:
Barbara Brincefield
Cahill, Gordon, Reindel
1990 K St. N.W., Suite 950
Washington, DC 20006

Most Useless Use of a Correction, from the Times:

The Critics' Choice column on Oct. 10, about new CD's, included a review of the band Broken Social Scene and the album bearing its name. The review referred to "other Montreal bands," "the sound of 21st-century Montreal," the city's momentum and the band's "Montreal exuberance." While a vibrant Montreal music scene indeed exists - as described in detail in Arts & Leisure on Feb. 6 - Broken Social Scene is not part of it; the band is based in Toronto. (An earlier correction, on Oct. 13, omitted an explanation of the Montreal references.)

We think this is already clear, but we'd like to explicitly note here that all this material is gathered and quoted from Regret the Error. (Did we mention they all list all this year's plagiarism cases?)

Crunks '05: The Year in Media Errors and Corrections [Regret the Error]
2005 Plagiarism Round-Up [Regret the Error]