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OK, kids, your guesses are in and ready for inspection. Take on more trip down One Overly Cozy Blind Vice Lane before moving on:

Ted sez: "Stealth Stud-Poof has it all. He's got a decent bod; a procreating, talented gal; and a well-respected and sizzling career. Not to mention a great ass and a boyfriend who knows what to do with it. The butt, that is, not the job stuff. See, Toothy Tile is not (by far) the only homo in Hollywood who likes to push the fruitcake-covered envelope. Uh-uh, no way. Whereas our loveable, somewhat confused Tooth is constantly trying to figure out just what the hell he wants to do with his life—sexuality being not the least of his concerns—Stealth has known from his relatively flashy get-go what he wanted in life: a glitzy career, a wife and family and—most definitely—a b-f on the side." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: It seems that y'all have gay cowboys on the brain these days, as Heath Ledger, a a man publicly re-heteroized by Brokeback Mountain's producers a couple of weeks ago, was your solution to the Casablanca's Stealth Stud-Poof riddle. What's a guy have to do to convince you of his sexuality, knock up a pretty Dawson's Creek star?

You also say: (In order of number of guesses) Hugh Jackman (clearly you remembered the Emmys), Ryan Phillippe, The Actor Who Must Not Be Named, John Travolta, Josh Lucas (who was in Stealth, of course), Eddie Murphy, and Jamie Foxx (Stealth again). Jake Gyllenhaal, in a sad repetition of this morning's Golden Globes announcements, was shut out again.

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: Britney, K-Fed, and the Weedman.

Thanks to everyone for playing!