Blogorrhea NYC: Chelsea Boys Gone Wild
• One intrepid girl reporter goes to see Brokeback Mountain in Chelsea — and lives to tell the tale! Probably because she waited till she got home to pan Heath Ledger. [You Can't Make It Up]
• We're surprised by just how easily Miss Cleo's psychic manual could double as a guide to first dates in Manhattan, especially the part about trying so hard not to get dumped — er, hung up on — in the first two minutes. [The Assimilated Negro]
• What every New York kid wants for Hannukwanzamas this year: My First Bling. [Verbose Coma]
• The New York Public Library is selling a souvenir snowglobe that it thinks truly encapsulates a snowy day in New York. Except that a different kind of snowy day is even more common in these parts. [Repetition Compulsion]
• How Lou Reed likes his first course, as reported by the waitress who served him last night at THOR: "I want a salad with NO DRESSING and I like pumpkin seeds and pumpkin oil and sea salt, but not regular sea salt PINK SEA SALT (ed: what the fuck is pink sea salt?). And I want NO BUTTER OR CREAM IN ANYTHING." [Embrace the Dull]
• Looks like Google is looking for a throw down. Who you calling a white fat guy, bitch? []