CorcoDevil Takes on the Donald

Carpy real-estate diva Barbara Corcoran, with CorcoBot Carrie Chiang and former 'bot Susan Cara-Madden, is suing Donald Trump over $1.3 million in commissions. The trio claims to be owed percentages after introducing Trump to a group of Hong Kong investors who poured $100 million into The Donald's Riverside South and Trump Place projects.
In New York real estate, $1.3 million is pocket change, especially to the likes of these beasts. But it's not about the actual amount: it's about the CorcoDevil and her sidekick bitches taking on The Donald. It's a battle of the sexes, women challenging The Man, whores against the pimp, T-Rex versus Kong!
If we're lucky, this could be the clash of the titans we've all been waiting for. We hate both parties so much, we don't even know whose side we're on. It's so exciting!