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As we reported last night, Mort Zuckerman and Jeffrey Epstein have pulled the plug yesterday on Radar. Editor-in-chief and founder Maer Roshan informed his staff in a late-afternoon meeting. The investors had agreed last fall to spend up to $25 million on the magazine, but apparently they had a change of heart, allegedly prompted by poor advertising sales. (Though word is trickling out from within the magazine that next issue had, in fact, sold quite nicely, and things were seemingly on schedule for the rest of 2006.)

Now, of course, Maer says he has other funding nearly lined up. Which brings us back to Radar's most natural state: With Maer always having new funding nearly lined up. And other new funding nearly lined up. And other new funding nearly lined up.

Three Issues Into New Life, Radar Magazine Is Being Shut Again [NYT]
Radar Closes, Intrigue Ensues [Gothamist]
'Radar' Shuts Down: Maer Roshan's Statement [The Media Mob/NYO]
Maer Roshan's Radar Shuts Down [Mediaweek]
Fledgling Radar Magazine Folds [AP via Yahoo]
Radar Magazine Folds [Business Week]
Breaking: 'Radar' Folds
Gawker's Coverage of 'Radar'