Radar Card-Spew Update: Gawker Comments Tell All

After we revealed yesterday that Mark Michaelson — the former Radar staffer whose cast-aside business cards are currently languishing about 23rd street — to be a chronic card-thrower (having done the same thing when he was fired from Newsweek), we noticed an interesting addition to the comments thread:
I'm pretty sure Michaelson may have used a fire extinguisher as a weapon at Newsweek. Anyone remember that story?
Oh, we sure do! As the story goes, Mark Michaelson, then a top art department staffer at Newsweek, was fired from the magazine on a Friday evening. He left for dinner, got suitably wasted, and then returned to the offices, where he went on a mini-rampage, tossing things and ultimately throwing his business cards out the window and onto 8th Avenue. For a finale, Michaelson then went after then-managing editor Mark Whitaker with a fire extinguisher.
With this in mind, the Radar staff should consider themselves lucky, having surviving Michaelson's exit unscathed. Kudos to you all for subduing the beast.
Earlier: Radar Fallout Creates Litterbug Crisis
Radar Card-Chucking Poses Significant Threat