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The Journal's lovely, talented, and very pregnant Katie Rosman today reports on a hot new trend: Leak Chic. Rosman explains:

These days, you don't have to be a CIA agent to have your personal life upturned by a tipster with an agenda. Would-be "Scooter" Libbys are proliferating everywhere from the executive suite to the playground, as the Internet and changing mores open the spigots for secret-sharing. Talk radio and reality television have made it acceptable to turn private lives into public theater, and the explosion of blogs is giving nobodies the means to write about everybody. Not to be outdone, new celebrity magazines are scrambling for scraps and lowering the bar for who and what is worth exposing. In a year that even Deep Throat decided to go public, it's becoming fashionable — or at least not frowned upon — to be an anonymous source for just about anything.

We think Rosman's trend-spotting is more or less spot-on — she's no Jenny 8., after all, so her trends typically exist — and, of course, this is one trend that redounds very much to our benefit. But at the same time, we can't help but wonder if perhaps she's exaggerating things just a little. After all, if leaking is quite so chic, why has no one sent us a report in the three hours since Mort's meeting at Radar ended?

(Um, hint hint.)

Leak Chic [WSJ]