A Taxonomy of Bad Blurbing

Recently, our mailbox has been slightly cluttered with mailings from St. Martin's press about Galt Niederhoffer's forthcoming novel, A Taxonomy of Barnacles. To be released next Tuesday, it seems this book is some sort of precocious second coming. Entertainment Weekly describes it as "droll and sophisticated;" Booklist thinks it's "charming and sly;" Sam Lipsyte declares it "wise and witty." On the back of the book, however, rests the the icing on this hype-flavored cake:
God, or possibly Darwin, proves to be in the details in A Taxonomy of Barnacles. With great wit and imagination, Niederhoffer invites us into an Upper East Side apartment that is as extravagant and inventive as the family it houses. — CLAIRE DANES
Well then, we're sold! We mean, Danes isn't a book reviewer, but someday she might play one on TV...