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We have no desire to get into Jesuitical parsing of our relationship/ nonrelationship with the New York real-estate blog Curbed, and of Curbed's relationship/nonrelationship with the Times. So we won't. And we'll simply — without any disclaimers or nondisclaimers — welcome the latest Times blogging effort, the Gray Lady real-estate blog called The Walk-Through.

We're excited about the move, and we welcome the burgeoning trend. We can't wait for new additions Alessandra Stanley on mildly accurate television, Jenny Lee on invented trends, Maureen Dowd on not dating, and Kurt Eichenwald on pedophilia. We'll be especially excited when, finally, the Times launches a boring and irrelevant blog for the boring and irrelevant public editor, Barney Calame.

What? He's already got one? A success, then, it seems.

The Walk-Through [NYT]