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Our earlier report of Media Christmas at News Corp. prompted other Newsies to write in with their recollections of the evening:

Your tipsters neglected a few choice details of "relentless self-promotion" at the News Corp. holiday party Friday night, which I also attended. Not only were scenes from Ice Age 2 looping in Club Ice, but two massive screens in the main ballroom — where most of the hot food was served — were showing full episodes of The Simpsons with the volume cranked all the way up. The scene was reminiscent of a trailer-trash Christmas, as if Mom let the kids keep the TV on full blast in the den while wolfing down dinner in the kitchen.... that said, it was a truly impressive display of free food, booze, desserts (cookie and pastry buffets in several rooms) and the Haagen Dazs coolers, which I'm kicking myself for forgetting to raid.

And another:

the cheerleaders were wearing special news-corp-logoed uniforms. I can't imagine a more weird bit of memorabilia that could potentially surface on ebay. and the weird thing was that the cheerleaders weren't very hot. also, I can't think of a worse gift bag: a DVD of the Fantastic Four, a copy of Jack Welch's book "Winning," and a Futurama calendar. I gave all three away to random drunk people on the trian ride home.

But despite a certain end-of-days feel, News Corp. isn't actually the end. There's still some Media Christmas to come. The list of this week's events is after the jump.

Monday, December 19
Dennis Publishing, Glo
FHM, Gypsey Tea
Meredith shelter books (all), Via
W, Astra

Tuesday, December 20
Jane, R&R
Muscle & Fitness, Tao (lunch)

Wednesday, December 21
Harper’s, Pravda
The Forward, Mo Pitkin's