Defamer Gift Review: Untitled's Luggage Tags

We may have a winner for worst holiday gift, courtesy of Untitled Entertainment, a company that manages the likes of Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Demi Moore, Lucy Liu, Kirstie Alley, and Courtney Love. Says our profoundly disappointed reviewer:
So last year Untitled Entertainment, one of Hollywood's biggest and most powerful managment companys sent out cashmere sweaters. This year...crappy luggage tag...WTF. It is indeed plastic. I would be able to break it in half with my hands.
We can almost hear the pleasing snap of plastic as frustrated assistants perform impromptu stress-tests on the luggage tags. And it goes without saying that we'd be interested in knowing which crappy gift succumbs more willingly to force, Untitled's "well, we have to give them something" offering, or CAA's misguided attempt to empower filmmaking careers.