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In today's Observer, writer Gabriel Sherman sifts through the not-so-lovely bones of Radar and asks the tough, obvious questions of both editor-in-chief Maer Roshan and sugar daddy Mort Zuckerman about what went wrong. Again. The answer? A lot of he-said/she-said magic (oh, like you don't know who "she" is in this scenario).

Roshan — who seems a tad defensive — claims that on November 1st, he was given a directive from Zuckerman to find new investors in upcoming months to cover co-investor Jeffrey Epstein's portion of the budget. However, Roshan says that "months" quickly became "weeks," leaving him with no time to pull together funding in time for the fourth issue's deadline. Daddy bites back:

"That s total nonsense," Mr. Zuckerman said. " I had that conversation with Maer many times Four months ago, I had explicit conversations with him. I only know one language, and that s English. I could not be clearer about it."

Ah, there's the problem: English! When it comes to large concepts, Roshan can only communicate in Hype. Isn't it funny how a simple language barrier resulted in the complete vaporization of $12 million?

Off the Record [NYO]