2005 in Magland: Even the Good News Was Bad News

Most folks, we imagine, would just as soon forget the last year in magland. (Falling circs, plummeting ad sales, layoffs.) But the fine folks at Folio:, who subsist entirely on a diet of Vitamin Water and back issues, have chosen to remind us all of the year that was.
Indeed, among all the news of closings and sellings and breakups and postal increases and overpriced comedian-hosted panel discussions gone awry, there was only one piece of genuinely, unequivocally good news on the list:
May 18. Buzz-heavy Radar and its money-man Mort Zuckerman relaunched with a ballast of a party in New York.
And we all know how that turned out.
(Fortunately, in the companion predictions piece, many people tell Folio: things could be looking up for the biz. One certainly hopes.)
2005: A (Somewhat) Comprehensive Look at a (Not-So) Surprising Year in Magazines [Folio:]