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Lumps of coal in your stockings be damned, you tiptoed with care to send us your best guesses. But first, let us sip our hot toddies and nuzzle once more by the beckoning amber glow of One Pained n Stained Blind Vice:

Ted sez: So, Schlocky a kudo queen for one of her more, uh, less scene-chewing flicks went to see a fancy plastic surgeon. Not one of the best, perhaps, but not one of the worst cracks in town either. S.T.-T. got herself a face-lift, went for the whole works, the full bandaged shebang. Now, here s where it gets dicey not to mention really ugly. Schlocky s a very, very heavy smoker. Idiot. As if lung cancer and assorted other potential ailments waiting to afflict the once A-list actress weren t enough to scare this broad off the fags, you d think the following would. Read the item.

You say: Your guesses after the jump.

You say: The voting was neck and nicotine-stained n' sutured neck, but one true winner did emerge: Sharon Stone garnered the highest number of votes. Oddly enough, the tough-talkin', Kate Moss-defending, member of the Gay 100 never even occurred to us maybe it had something to do with the "known more for her talent than her beauty" part.

You also say: In order of votes, Melanie "Hmm, where's she been hiding lately?" Griffith, Halloween spook-buddies Goldie Hawn and Meg Ryan, Jessica Lange and (gasp!) Meryl Streep, Faye Dunaway, Jodie Foster, Dakota Fanning (everyone's a comedian), Holly Hunter and Bette Midler.

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial You Also Say Item Goes To: Gloria Stuart.

Thanks to everyone for playing!