• The good people at the American Museum of Natural History, champions of all things forgotten, offer a three-day Kwanzaa celebration amidst the dinosaur bones. Today's kick-off festivities include a dance workshop and a performance of a 13th century West African epic. [flavorpill]

• We can't help but wonder whether the Dickens Festival purposefully opened in Staten Island, or whether God sent the show to the 7th ring of boroughs for our own private amusement. Either way, the implied social commentary is more than our nerdy little mind can handle. And the period costumes should really send us over the top. [Paper Mag]

• Now that you've seen Brokeback Mountain, try to spot the closeted cowboys in Hud and The Last Picture Show, both showing tonight at the Walter Reade Theatre. 10 bucks on Jeff Bridges. [Film Society of Lincoln Center]