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This post is really just an excuse to use our favorite self-fashioned infographic, though pardon us if we feel it's reasonable to say that our dark prediction is already coming to pass:

Google Inc. co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are making their first foray into the movie business, helping to finance a friend's independent film.

The Internet moguls are the executive producers of "Broken Arrows," the story of a man who loses his pregnant wife in a terrorist attack and then takes a job as a hit man.

A spokeswoman for Mountain View-based Google confirmed Brin and Page's role in the film, but declined to discuss details.

The film is written and directed by Reid Gershbein, a computer graphics designer at DreamWorks Animation SKG Inc., who became friends with the Google founders in the late 1990s when they were doctoral students in computer science at Stanford University.

"I can't say how lucky I am," Gershbein told the San Francisco Chronicle for a story Thursday. "They were extremely generous."

Production costs are just under $1 million, Gershbein said. Brin and Page funded about half the film, barely a dent in their personal fortunes, which are estimated at $16 billion each.

Consider yourselves warned: These guys have deep pockets and they aren't fucking around. We give it six months before Google Studios opens its primary-colored Burbank gates, and another six before they start rolling out their randomly generated "I'm Feeling Lucky" production slate.