Doveman is, in fact, not a lone man with a mission of peace, but a bunch of dudes singing "quiet songs about girls." See for yourself tonight at Tonic. [Upcoming]

The likelihood that any of you will have any interest in donning spandex and cycling around the city is slim to none, but just in case, Critical Mass leaves from Union Square Park North at 7. Now back to your cigarettes. [flavorpill]

It's New Year's Eve. If you don't have plans now, you might as well just go to bed until 2007, because your social status is currently somewhere around that of a leper.

Given that, here are two lists of parties happening on NYE. There might be some overlap. Deal. [flavorpill] and [whatsupnyc]

Because the perfect antidote to a hangover is poetry, the Poetry Project offers the 32nd Annual Marathon Reading at St. Mark's. Or you could watch TNT's Law & Order marathon in bed. Either way, really. [flavorpill]