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No matter how many times the commercials and one-sheets promised us that a motley crew of tuxedo-clad casino burglars were teaming up for a final job, we knew that the Ocean's gang would find another way to get together for another "last" score. Reports Variety:

[Producer Jerry] Weintraub is in the early stages of plotting a third chapter of the "Ocean's Eleven" franchise with director Steven Soderbergh and his Section Eight partner George Clooney. Aim is to put the pic in production later this year.

Going forward with Ocean's Thirteen means the addition of yet another character to round out Danny Ocean's baker's dozen. This time, the new thief will be played by the huge bag of money that Clooney will receive to keep the franchise alive for Warner Bros., which Hollywood's reigning A-list champ of "one for them, one for me" moviemaking will then use to fund a black-and-white biopic about a famous actor whose crippling social conscience drives him to enter a transcontinental tiny electric car rally to raise awareness about global warming. Also, he is very handsome.