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Didja have some trouble loading Gawker yesterday? Well, apparently that was because of all the wham-bam gizmos on display this week in Las Vegas.


See, the annual Consumer Electronics Show is going on in Vegas this week. And our remarkably dorky brother, Gizmodo, is there, covering it live. So Gizmodo's posting lots of big, pretty pictures of big, pretty new machines. Which means every time someone loads the Gizmodo homepage, they're asking the Gawker Media servers to do much more work than they'd normally be doing to serve a page. Which in turn leaves the servers less time to do silly little things like run Gawker.

We're told it's all pretty cool stuff on display at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and that Gizmodo's doing a heckuva job covering it. (Official boosterish text from GMHQ: "It's all the gadget goodness you'll be choking on for the rest of the year, revealed live for the first time in glorious photos and prose.") So if you love gadgets, we know you'll love Gizmodo this week.

Us, we love irony. So we're just enjoying that it's the tech-loving guys who fucked up our server.

CES [Gizmodo]