Peter Braunstein Pleads 'Not Guilty,' World Explodes in Laughter

We can't give any legal analysis on this other than our usual what-the-fuck, but: Peter Braunstein has pleaded not guilty to sexual assault charges. His legal team has indicated that they may be looking to work the "he's a crazy, mental bastard" defense, but they have yet to file a notice of intent.
So, because the American justice is "fair" and whatnot, we are expected to actually respect the innocence of Peter Braunstein until he's proven guilty — despite the fact that when the cops caught him, he tried to kill himself and said, "I'm the man you're looking for." That, we hear, was a totally unrelated incident having something to do with overdue library books.
Accused Phony Firefighter Pleads Not Guilty to Halloween Sex Attack [CourtTV]