Bond Vs. Bond

Despite the fact that Daniel "New Bond" Craig's Munich is a Spielberg film playing in about 1,500 theaters and Pierce "Old Bond" Brosnan's The Matador is an entry from Sundance in January just now making its way into 28, ABC News thinks we should all look at this weekend as some kind of Bond-off between the two actors. Brosnan, however, doesn't want to take the bait:
"I didn't seek advice from any man before me, and I don't give any advice to any man after me. He'll find his own way," Brosnan said of Craig, the 37-year-old blond who will inherit the super spy role next year in a remake of "Casino Royale."
"He'll find his own way. He's a wonderful actor. I wish him all the happiness and success."
It's a smart play by Brosnan, who obviously realizes that even if he spends the occasional evening wandering around his house in a martini-fueled haze while wearing a hole-riddled tuxedo t-shirt, trying to resist the temptation to shoot the TV with a silenced Walther P-38 every time a 007 film replays on TNT, he's going to be answering the Bond Question for the rest of his life. There's no need to burn himself out on bitter soundbites before the first Craig movie even shoots.