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Judging from the flood of responses, the Casablanca-free holiday seems to have really increased your appetite for blind item guessing fun. Let's get on to your answers before any more of Friday afternoon slips by us. But first, recirculate One Chatty, Snorty Blind Vice:

Ted sez: "Ugh. At midnight, your pooch threw up on the desinger sofa. Then your man says those crabcakes didn't sit well with him. And you're in the medicine cabinet looking for the damn Alka-Seltzer. All the while, you know the Lincoln Town Car's gonna be waiting for you tomorrow. Oy. And you gotta be camera-ready on top of it! And perky! Really perky! Yes, the life of a sickeningly popular boob-tube personality is demanding. How does one do it? With cocaine, you twit. Every dummy knows that, nowadays. It's like any idiot who's halfway rich 'n' famous is back at Studio 54 again—only with less hairspray and jobs to go to in the ayem." Read the item.

You say: Your guesses are after the jump:

You say: In a landslide, you pointed the quivering finger of suspicion at Live With Regis And Kelly host...Regis Philbin! OK, fine, it was Kelly Ripa whose interminable perkiness set off your blow detectors. We, however, offer that just having such close proximity to Philbin's crackling energy is its own kind of contact high, one that might even seem like it originates in some unseemly place. If there were a way to powderize the still-legal Reeg and serve him off a car key in a bathroom stall, the entire club-supported coke industry would fold overnight.

You also say: The perky hostess pool is a limited one, but the others receiving multiple guesses were Katie Couric, Rachel Ray, Martha Stewart (whom some theorized learned a trick or two in the pokey), and Elizabeth Hassleback (whom has never struck us as all that perky.) We are ashamed that not a single one of you mentioned Joy Behar. Tsk.

And The Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning Memorial “You Also Say” Item Goes To: A three-way tie! Congrats to Ryan Seacrest, Tony Danza, and, topically, Gene Shalit. (As a side note, consider any Golden Girls guesses with an eye on Andy Dick/Dakota Fanning enshrinement disqualified. You're better than that. We know you are.)

Thanks to everyone for playing!