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The Insider's Marc Malkin is reporting that two-time Oscar winner Hilary Swank and infamous acceptance speech overlookee/househusband Chad Lowe are splitting. The early party line, however, is that they're going to try and work things out:

Swank's manager, TROY NANKIN, tells Malkin that "Hilary and Chad have decided to separate but they are hopeful they will be able to get through this tough time."

It's a good strategy to leave a glimmer of hope for the public; in a high-profile relationship with such an inequality in the celebrity balance of power equation, an outright divorce announcement might conjure thoughts of Swank returning home from a hard day on the set, noticing the unacceptable smudge on her Million Dollar Baby Oscar and the apron-clad spouse watching Judge Judy re-runs sprawled on the couch, and a final, exhausted "I just can't do this anymore, baby" whisper from the family breadwinner's barely parted lips.