This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

Finally accepting that her personal brand can realize far greater value in the nightlife space than in the acting realm, Tara Reid has started exploring entrepreneurial activities exploiting that fact, transforming herself into a mobile nightclub. As she wanders up and down Hollywood Boulevard each night, offering to encircle patrons with her own velvet rope and down shots of tequila with them at surprisingly affordable prices, Tara Reid's VIP Room Fuckin' Club!* can service the entire scene without confining herself to one fleetingly hot location at a time, thus increasing her visibility and insulating the business from the fickleness of the trend-worshipping masses.

[*Note: Original photo, in which Reid is pictured modeling clothing featuring the words VIP Room Fucking Club, has been removed by request of the owner. This subsitute pic doesn't make nearly as much sense coupled with the text above, but you still get the idea.]