The Alessandra Stanley Watch: When Victorian Literature Meets a Sitcom

The lede to today's review of Emily's Reasons Why Not, a new ABC sitcom:
Heather Graham is the Heather Locklear of the Dragonball Z generation — the kind of seraphic beauty who is funny only when playing a Becky Sharpe or fantasy figure. Instead, she has been cast as a nice, lovelorn career girl in ABC's sitcom "Emily's Reasons Why Not."
It's a small point, we know. But if you're pretentious enough to insist on name-dropping a Thackeray heroine in your review of chick-lit sitcom, you ought to be pretentious enough to know the heroine spells her name Becky Sharp.
But, then, we're not the Times, which clearly couldn't care less about these things.
Spotting Mr. Wrong to Find Mr. Right [NYT]
Related: Reading Guides: Vanity Fair [Penguin]
Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Alessandra Stanley