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For whatever reason, we actually read today's DailyCandy email, in which the virtues of professional organizer Stacey Platt so wonderfully applauded that, upon reading, we were left stupidly wondering how we ever could have lived without paying someone to alphabetize our DVDs for us. So we went to Platt's website, the tastefully Zen Breathing Space, moseyed around, and came across the following testimonial:

Stacey Platt, a calm, good-humored, luminous and wise woman, took a look at my office, did not blanche and carefully, patiently led the attack. It was overwhelming to me, but not to her. She pressed me gently, sitting by my side and sorting and tossing with me. Much of the tossing, sorting and organizing was emotionally painful for me, but Stacey, who is psychologically astute and nonjudgmental, essentially held my hand as I revisited and let go, opening boxes that had been packed 15 years earlier. [...] She has saved us time, money and debilitating stress and depression from contemplating tasks that no longer seem unbearable. She saved us from some of our worst habits. It was a pleasure to work with her and a pleasure to live with the results of her work.

Stacey also performed a virgin birth while cleaning out the junk drawer, but that's beside the point. We're more concerned with the author of this luscious rimjob, someone identified merely as "J.N., Reporter, New York Times." Alas, it's not Judy Miller by a letter — but we're nevertheless intrigued. So who's this sycophantic Times reporter? Commenters, take it away.

Under New Management [DailyCandy]
Breathing Space