The Alessandra Stanley Watch: Who Cares About Accuracy When It's UPN?

In yesterday's review of South Beach, a new UPN series that debuted last night, La Stanley describes one of the show's key characters:
Arielle, who also rose from the meaner streets of Brooklyn, has moved up and on: she made the cover of Sports Illustrated....
Which is more or less true. Except that Arielle (as the show never tires of reminding you) just moved out of Brooklyn, and just started modeling; she's still young and new and nave and trying to break in. It's an entirely different woman — "a famous supermodel," as Stanley correctly describes the character in the first graf of the review — who made the cover of SI.
It's a small thing, on an irrelevant show, but it might also provide a seminal moment in the Alessandra Stanley Watch. It occurs to us for the first time that maybe she doesn't even bother to watch the shows she reviews.
And it's also seminal for another reason: It's the day she forced us to watch UPN. We don't think we'll ever be able to forgive her for that.