Blogorrhea NYC: We've Always Hated Cinnamon Reagan Bagels
• Mrs. Malaprop moves to Brooklyn and serves up bagels. [Only the Blog Knows Brooklyn]
• The proper New York response to the Frey scandal: what other books can I return for cash? [Lindsayism]
• Enough with hookers with hearts of gold, here's how to be a whore with a full stomach. [Belle in the Big City]
• Last year the big reveal was Valerie Plame. This year, it's Copyranter. We think he'd look better in a white headscarf and sunglasses. [Copyranter]
• Not that we're lobbying for any particularly candidates (ahem), but we just thought you'd like to know that, inspired by Mr. Blackwell, a well-dressed blogger contest is going on. [Shoe Lover]