And Then Ashley And Selma Are All, "Lindsay's SOOO A Cokehead!"

In LA, there are certain pushy pedestrian no-fly zones where celebrities can feel relaxed, knowing that they can luxuriate in their heightened level of existence without being thrown out of the fantasy with autograph or picture requests. The Chateau Marmont is a perfect example. Luckily for us, however, some of you could care less about bursting their protective bubbles:
i was having dinner @ The chateau marmont thursday evening across from Ashley Olsen, selma blair and 2 of their girlfriends... they left the same time we did so we decided to walk out behind them so we could ask for a pic @ the valet outside... before heading down stairs ashley stopped at a magazine stand with selma and picked up the vanity fair with lindsey lohan on the cover. ashley and selma cracked some "cokehead" jokes, giggled, and then went outside. when we asked ashley for a pic, she said yes, and selma took it... the funniest thing is that we didnt recognize selma, and she seemed REALLY offended when SHE had to take the pic! hahaha...
No one should be too surprised by this beautiful scene from Hollywood's high school cafeteria, with two skinny Mean Girls (yeah, it needed to be said) picking the salad out of their teeth with the bones of a third. We'd love to see some retaliatory weave-yanking the next time they encounter each other at Privilege or Mood, but the most we're likely to get is some offended glares volleyed back and forth across VIP booths as a That 70s Show cast member hoots his "No she did-int!" approval.