The Alessandra Stanley Watch: In Which Our Heroine Learns How to Not Be Wrong

AP, via Washington Post: "[Hugh] Laurie, who masks his British accent to play the brilliant but difficult doctor in 'House,' said he had 172 people to thank. So he said he wrote their names on slips of paper and would choose three at random. He thanked the show's script supervisor, hair stylist and, finally, his agent."
UPI: "The British actor [Laurie] said had 172 people to thank. So he put 172 pieces of paper in his pocket and would pull out three names and 'everyone else could just lump it.'"
London Times: "'I made a list of all the people who deserve to be thanked. It came to 172 names,' Laurie told the press on the red carpet outside the Beverly Hilton Hotel, where the ceremony was held. 'I wrote the names, put them in my left hand trouser pocket. I'm going to draw out three and thank them, the rest can lump it.'"
Alessandra Stanley, in The New York Times: "Hugh Laurie, named best actor in a television drama for the Fox show 'House,' outdid her. He told the audience he had toted up all the people he needed to thank and discovered that they numbered more than 100."
(Emphasis added throughout.)