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As promised, today's Observer features Melissa Lafsky, the lawyer behind witty anonyblog Opinionistas, complete with a lovely portrait (OK, sweetie, time to replace that Friendster pic) and details as to how Lafsky prepared for this week's reveal by "fluffing the pillows for her landing." We also learn that Lafsky was not, in fact, quite the ginormous legal hot-shot she may have seemed. But that's all in the past now — law firm who? Lafsky has more important things afoot:

Last month, she signed with [ICM's blog-agent Kate] Lee and resigned from her law firm. Last week, she posed in a nightgown for a spread on female bloggers for a future issue of Fashion Week Daily.

We should note that said nightie spread was organized by fellow outed blogger Nadine Haobsh. Because once an anonymous blogger decides to out herself, she is automatically part of a sorority of anon-a-bloggers. Lafsky didn't come out of her bloggy closet for the microfame or possible book deal; she came out for the sisterhood.

Lafsky s Last Laugh: Secret Legal Blogger Says I m Opinionista! [NYO]
Earlier: Melissa Lafsky, Opinionista Extraordinaire