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We can't resist passing along a story that moved on the wires this afternoon:

LOS ANGELES - Seventies teen idol Leif Garrett was being held without bail after authorities said he was suspected of carrying narcotics and not having a subway ticket.

Garrett, 44, was arrested by sheriff's deputies Saturday on the platform of the Pershing Square Red Line station when he didn't have a ticket, authorities said. Deputies found suspected narcotics during a search, officials said.

We recognize this isn't a New York story, which sort of takes it out of our purview. But it is definitely a media story. After all the bad news about James Frey and JT Leroy, we should hope VH1 is crashing a revised Behind the Music right now.

Because we don't know what we do if we thought they were lying to us, too.

1970s Teen Idol Leif Garrett Arrested [AP via Yahoo]