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Earlier today, we charged you with the task of figuring out today's blind items from Page Six. Thankfully, you darlings are more reliable than our menstrual cycle, and so we've got some purely speculative answers.

The "Cuckolded Cutie" at Planned Parenthood: OK, so maybe we ruined this one a bit with our ingenius art, but we suspect you were all going to guess Sienna Miller anyhow. We've even heard that certain celebrity weeklies had allegedly obtained pictures of the poor dear leaving the abortion clinic — but, thank God, someone had a morality attack and the photos have been banished to the paparazzi underworld. There weren't too many other guesses, but a few of you ventured Jennifer Aniston, Sophia Bush, Mary-Kate Olsen, and universal blind item catch-all Lindsay Lohan.

The Downtown Photographer With a Smack Habit: Peter Beard was a popular guess, seeing as he comes from some serious cash and loves his cocaine and Viagra — heroin seems the logical next step! Some of you suggested homoerotic "it" boy Ryan McGinley, Merlin Bronques, Dave LaChappelle, Terry Richardson and Gawker's own Nikola Tamindzic. We're not sure any of these guys come from old money, but we do know Nikola's had a needle in his arm since the day we met him.

The Tech-Geek Billionaire With a Yacht Full of Hoes: We had equal amounts of enthusiastic guesses for Oracle's Larry Ellison, Microsoft's Paul Allen, and Apple's Steve Jobs. We had no idea you all were so passionate about your dorklords. One point each for Bill Gates and the Google Guys, neither of which seem like yachting types. Most likely answer: all of them.

The Rear-Entry Pop Star: Yo, Jessica Simpson, you listening? 'Cause everyone is SO on to you. Christina Aguilera and Britney Spears were also popular guesses, but neither of them carried on the virginity routine quite like Miss J. We even bet her father bought the Astroglide for her.

Earlier: Blind Item Guessing Game: Aborting, Drugging, Slutting, Assfucking Edition