Hollywood PrivacyWatch Special Edition: Sympathy For The Fiance

Lost in the commotion of yesterday's wall-to-wall Golden Globes coverage was this rare reader sighting of a seemingly unsupervised, visibly pregnant Katie Holmes grabbing some alone time at a local coffee shop:
[1/17] Just saw Katie Holmes at the new Peet's Coffee across from Book Soup. She was wearing a nasty ugly purple Juicy Couture sweatsuit (man, isn't that over yet?) and she looked depressed and frankly, awful - also, quite big with the Cruise fetus. No handlers to be seen. As far as I could monitor, she was chock full of thetans.
I know "having sympathy" for celebrities is out...but I truly felt sorry for her. She looked depressed and a little trapped.
Had our hearts not long ago ossified for a split-second before disappearing in a whiff of cardiac dust, we might try and sympathize with Holmes' plight. Heavy with improbable child and haunting Sunset Strip coffee chains, she's certainly allowed no more than a few moments of visible melancholy before alarms in the van parked curbside are sounded, sending a flood of "best friends" into the shop to spirit her away before a single tear hits the floor. And while being the contractually obligated birthing partner of the world's biggest movie star seems glamorous, not even the constant gifts of her betrothed's back catalog or designer maternity wear are much of a substitute for a good cry.