Thou Shalt Not Blog Negatively About Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson, perhaps suffering from the elevated sense of entitlement that follows being showered up to one's neck in fuck-you money reaped from the pockets of morbidly curious audiences who flocked to your pet Messiah snuff project, is now using his considerable God-anointed (and lawyer assisted) powers to shut down a critical blog called Mel's Musings. From his lawyers' letter:
I am litigation counsel to Mel Gibson. It has come to our attention that you are operating a purported "Mel Gibson Blog" at On behalf of Mr. Gibson, I demand that you immediately cease and desist any further use of Mr. Gibson's name, likeness, or persona[...]
Under California Law, the appropriation of any persons name, voice, likeness, etc., commercially or otherwise, is actionable in a suit for damages[...]To avoid litigation over this clear violation of Mr. Gibson's rights, please cease the operation of this blog immediately and confirm the same to me no later than 5 p.m. tomorrow, PST.
It's interesting to counterpoint this attempt at cyber-muzzling to those of Colin Farrell sex tape injunction seeker Marty Singer. While Farrell might understandably have issues with his junk being on tap for anyone with access to a DSL line, all it takes for Gibson to unleash the legal attack dogs is some of his own colorful quotes ("...modern secular Judaism wants to blame the Holocaust on the Catholic Church. And it's a lie. And it's revisionism. And they've been working on that one for a while.") with some Latin scribblings in the margins.