Cigarettes Keep Falling on Your Head, Parts 3 and 4

The delightful Great Cigarette Plague of 2006 continues, with more readers reporting free packs of smokes raining down on them like locusts. Two new tales arrived overnight. First:
Strange: This morning on Delancey street a random pack of cigarettes hit me in the head. I thought it was the kids hangin' by the F train trying to harrass me, but it seemed to come from above and those kids were definitely not paying attention to me. Between this and the strange coffee smell that keeps invading NYC, I think I'm going nuts.
And then:
I came across two pacts of Parliament Lights this past MLK weekend.... Being a Parliament smoker this (sadly) is probably going to be my best weekend of 06.
The full version of this second dude's story — which you'll find after the jump — explains how he ended up with the cigs, so this one actually doesn't fit in the general God's will-or-guerrilla marketing? mystery of Great Cigarette Plague. Unless God or Philip Morris — and, yes, Parliament is a PM brand, too — is enlisting random LES bisexuals to carry out his will, or its marketing.
Keep the reports — and, please, any good theories — coming.
I came across two pacts of parliament lights this past MLK weekend. First pack was late night at an after-hours bar on the LES on Friday—this guy approached me too come back and have sex with him and his girlfriend. He said that I could fuck him while he fucked his girlfriend. After I politely declined his gracious offer he got up and left his full pack of Parliaments, so I graciously took them.
Then at Hiro on Sunday while sitting in the waiting area outside of the bathroom I watched a guy get up and go back and forth between the bathroom and the sitting area about 4 times in a half hour. Finally he got up and left for the dance floor—but he left something behind. Another full pack of Parliaments.
Being a Parliament smoker this (sadly) is probably going to be my best weekend of 06.
My theory: There's so much butt fucking to do and so many drugs to be done in the new year that keeping track of a pack of fags can just be too much.
Earlier: Cigarettes Keep Falling on Your Head, But That Doesn't Mean Your Eyes Will Soon Be Turning Red
Cigarettes Keep Falling on Your Head, Part 2