Drew Barrymore's Aria Of Forbidden Love

As the debate rages on about the appropriateness/inappropriateness of Drew Barrymore and her braless bazongas taking the stage at the Golden Globe awards, Barrymore boyfriend and Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti recently offered up this story of a night in a stall at the opera:
FABRIZIO Moretti knows how to keep girlfriend Drew Barrymore happy. When Jane magazine asked the Strokes drummer to name the craziest place he'd had sex [presumably with Barrymore], Moretti answered: "I had sex in the bathroom at the opera a little while ago, in New York. We went to 'La Boheme' and it was wicked boring. So we decided to go to the bathroom, and we got caught, and it was embarrassing. If we'd gone to the men's room, people would've heard it and said, 'Good on you, man.' But we were in the ladies' room, and when we heard an old woman start to tinkle, we couldn't help but crack up. I guess she told the security guy - he came in and was, like, 'Just go.' "
It seems as romantic and sensuous an encounter as we can likely conjure: Drew, propped up precariously on the edge of the toilet seat, her sweaty drummer lover keeping time above her, as the faint strains of La Boheme's heartbreaking fourth act duet floated through the exhaust vents. Sadly, the magic was lacking when they tried to recreate their lovemaking adventure the next day, in the soiled, public restroom of a Times Square megaplex halfway through a matinee screening of Rent.