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The Sundance Festival officially began last night; not, as many of you may have guessed, the moment Mark's toe first touched the slushy sidewalks of Park City, but with the premiere of Nicole Holofcener's Friends With Money. But when the jittery Lovely & Amazing writer/director took the podium to introduce her film, she almost forgot to mention her four big-name lead actresses, Jennifer Aniston being among them:

"Friends With Money" opened the festival to a packed theater Thursday night, with Sundance Institute founder Robert Redford and festival director Geoffrey Gilmore offering remarks before Holofcener came up.

Holofcener thanked many others on the film, executives at distributor Sony Pictures Classics, her casting director and editor, the male co-stars, including Jason Isaacs, Scott Caan, Simon McBurney and Greg Germann.

Then she started to leave, only rushing back to the podium after Gilmore reminded her she had neglected to mention the lead actresses.

"I forgot you guys. They are a very integral part of the movie," Holofcener joked as [Jennifer] Aniston, [Frances] McDormand, [Catherine] Keener and [Joan] Cusack took the stage beside her.

We can only say a prayer that there are no further such slights or near-slights to come in the ensuing days of Sundance schmoozing. With events that are out of her control pushing the seams of Aniston's brittle psyche to maximum capacity, one dropped introduction at a Weinstein Company cocktail meet n' greet could instantly result in a regrettable incident. None of us wants to bear witness to a hysterical, sobbing Jen blubbering, "Am I that forgettable? Am I? Am I?!" only to be muzzled by a concerned handler with a cocktail egg roll.