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• Oh no he DIDN'T: Jude Law has ended his relationship with Sienna Miller and is reportedly moving back in with ex-wife Sadie Frost, who has not aborted any of his babies and tends to employ fuck-worthy nannies. [Mirror]
• Jennifer Lopez has been spotted buying all sorts of pricey accoutrements for some lucky baby. We won't believe it's her baby until we see her buying mink baby bonnets and russian squirrel-lined diapers. [Scoop]
• After George Clooney makes a lame joke at Jack Abramoff's expense, Daddy Abramoff fires back at Clooney. This naturally prompts Father Clooney to get involved. Here's hoping for a geriatric wrestling match to be funded by Jack and produced by George. [Lowdown]
• Kate Capshaw is a waiter's nightmare; Tiger Woods, Usher, and Star Jones are shitty tippers. Keep in mind that Jones will happily plug your menu on the View if you're willing to forgo any payment whatsoever. [Page Six]
• Even though it's barely started filming, Lou Reed thinks Factory Girl sucks. Well, if you actually lived it, of course you're going to think that. Crazy old coot. [R&M]