Short Ends: Drew Defends Her Right To Hang

· For those of you who may have missed it: Drew Barrymore's totally unfunny and yet somehow enjoyable Weekend Update SNL appearance.
· Wikipedia offers a list of movies in order of "fucks per minute."
· American Idol judges are being called out for the sadistic pleasure they take in humiliating effeminate contestants, as the fugitive half of the show's criminal twins turns himself in. Welcome to America's #1 source of family entertainment!
· Patrick Dempsey isn't a real doctor, but he plays one on TV.
· Mark Cuban responds to the growing controversy over the multi-platformed release of Steven Soderbergh's Bubble. [via Boing Boing]
· Floating pooch!
· One final note: Mark ran into some difficulties posting today, but we should have more Sundance man-on-the-scene coverage for you tomorrow.