Conde Crisis: Town Car Crackdown!

Oh dear. We're now terribly concerned the glorious reign of Conde Nast might be coming to an end. And the NYPD would be to blame. What gives, you ask? Just this: You know how the high end balances on the three-legged stool of expense-account lunches, Marlboro Lights, and Town Cars? Well, one of those legs is looking worrisomely wobbly. Reports a nervous Nasty:
There seems to be an ongoing police crackdown on the Conde-car clusterfuck out back on 43rd street, where a three-deep lineup of VIP black cars regularly blocks traffic. In the past week, there have been increasing patrol car appearances, at which waiting drivers are forced to circle the block, leaving Conde bigs on the sidewalk waiting in vain for their expense account-rides; moments ago we saw two drivers get ticketed while a third, obviously wary of the standing cop car, lights flashing, merely cruised by and haplessly waved his big apple car placard out the window at no one in particular. Not sure this is news or what, but perhaps it's of interest — I certainly find it a little amusing.
Amusing, certainly. But also terrifying. Is Graydon being forced to stand outside waiting for a car? (Can his hair withstand the elements?) Is Si stuck on the sidewalk? Is Anna?!
Got details? Specifics? Any further reports would be greatly appreciated — whether about the Town Can situation at large, or about any important people's inconveniences.
Indeed, snag a good cameraphone shot of a CNP VIP in car-service distress, and the next round or two at Jimmy's Corner is on us. Really.