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Exposed flab enthusiast Richard Hatch has been found guilty of tax evasion, for failing to pay taxes on his Survivor winnings:

The winner of the $1 million jackpot on "Survivor" on a South Pacific island in 2000 was handcuffed and taken into custody after U.S. District Judge Ernest Torres ruled that he was a potential flight risk.

Hatch, a motivational speaker, was convicted of failing to pay taxes on the $1 million winnings in 2000 and about $391,000 he earned from half a dozen other sources. [...]

His lawyers had said CBS, which broadcast the show, should have withheld federal taxes because the network should have classified him as an employee under California law. He said the federal government also must shoulder some blame.

Trial watchers are blaming the verdict on Hatch's defense team's misguided use of many of their client's self-devised Survivor strategies. After a stern rebuking from the judge for attempting to organize an alliance with three female jurors, his increasingly desperate lawyers shifted to plan B: challenging the DA to a naked, one-legged courtroom stand-off, with nothing short of complete immunity at stake for the winner.