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We're not sure we've actually watched CourtTV in the decade since the O.J. trial — has anyone? — but we do know that you can find interesting tidbits from time to time on the CourtTV website. Today, for example, we're finding ourselves oddly entranced by the 12-page slide show they've produced, which lists all of Paris Hilton's manifold legal travails. Who knew the poor little rich girl had quite so many legal run-ins in her young life?

There are old chestnuts like the Zeta Graff slander suit, of course, and the Rick Salomon suit and countersuit over the sex tape and the Sidekick hacker who's doing 11 months in juvie. Then there are things we'd forgotten all about, like when Christian Slater was Tasered by cops and then fell off Paris's neighbor's roof at her Halloween party, or when Paris was charged with stealing a copy of her sex tape from a newsstand.

And then there's this, which we actually don't recall hearing about before, and which might well be our favorite:

In April 2004, Paris Hilton settled a lawsuit with New York jeweler Kwiat, who alleged the socialite didn't return jewels she wore to the Oscars in March 2003. According to the lawsuit, Hilton — who now has her own jewelry line — borrowed four pieces of jewelry worth $159,800, but they were never returned. According to the TV show "Celebrity Justice," documents say Hilton admitted she lost the jewels. Her lawyers argued that the clasp was defective and that the bracelet fell off her wrist and onto the ground.

Going to the Oscars without having any real talent, getting free jewelry when you're supposed to be a wealthy heiress, losing said free jewelry then blaming it on someone else? Remind us again why the world doesn't hate her.

Paris's Not-So-Simple Life [CourtTV]