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Hollywood's favorite concerned citizen of the world, Angelina Jolie, and life-partner-of-the-moment Brad Pitt (current t-shirt: "I'm With Hollywood's Favorite Concerned Citizen Of The World," featuring an arrow he struggles to keep pointed Jolie-ward at all times) have jetted off to Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum. The International Herald Tribune is blogging the event at Delving Into Davos, where it's seemingly impossible to ignore the couple's comings and goings.

Here, Jolie finds herself the punchline to an impromptu economics lesson:

Kenneth Rogoff, the former chief economist of the International Monetary Fund, was nodding off at a classic Davos lunch about economic competitiveness ("Too much partying at Davos — I'm exhausted!") when the moderator suddenly turned to him and asked: "So, Ken, what do you think Europe needs to do to become more competitive?" After a brief moment of panic — he admitted that he had not been following the discussion — Rogoff was saved by an unexpected helper. Spotting the obviously pregnant Angelina Jolie in the corner of the room, he said: "Have more babies!"

By pointing out the pregnant Jolie and not adopted tykes Maddox and Zahara, we assume he means that Europeans should have more of their own babies, not plunder the orphaned offspring of Southeast Asia and Africa, but we're unsure of the theoretical economic underpinnings of that lesson.

After the jump, Pitt and Jolie pop into a panel on the future of the news media:

Of all the panels you would expect Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt to show up at, one on the future of the news media wouldn't be one of them. They have both been big complainers about how they have been mistreated by the tabloids and even the mainstream press.

So it might come as a bit of a shock that there they were sitting in the back of a panel called "Today's News: Too Much of a Good Thing?" where they attentively listened to our boss, Arthur Sulzberger Jr., wax on about his faith in the news business.

Indeed, we wouldn't expect their attendance at such a discussion, but in the absence of one called "The Tabloids: Why Can't They Just Leave Us The Fuck Alone?" perhaps they were at least hoping to raise the issue during the Q&A.