Village Voice: Today Is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

After months of breathless anticipation and editorial wrist-cutting, the Village Voice merger with alt-weekly juggernaut New Times has resulted in the "new" Village Voice Media (owned by the New Times, natch), effective today. What does it mean for nervous staffers? Writes New Times CEO Jim Larkin:
Practically, employee affairs will remain status quo. Your payroll dates will remain the same. Our banking relationships will not change. Your email address will not change. Your local health benefits provider will remain the same, and your supervisor or Publisher will remain the go-to person for any questions you may have.
So, uh, it means nothing? Yeah, well, it's amazing what you'll tell staffers when you're drunk on POWER. After the jump, the full memo from the man behind the curtain.
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 08:59:51
Subject: Note to Village Voice Media staffers from Jim Larkin
Dear Staff Member:
Monday, January 30, 2006 marks the first day of our new company, Village Voice Media. As you know, VVM has merged the six weekly alternative papers of Village Voice Media with the eleven papers of New Times Media. The VVM group today also includes 17 metropolitan websites and a national advertising sales outfit, The Ruxton Group. We think we have a unique opportunity to bring more editorial resource, financial strength, and organizational skill to all 17 of the VVM weeklies and websites and that is what we intend to do.
Practically, employee affairs will remain status quo. Your payroll dates will remain the same. Our banking relationships will not change. Your email address will not change. Your local health benefits provider will remain the same, and your supervisor or Publisher will remain the go-to person for any questions you may have.
I am available an anytime by email at or phone (602) xxx-8403 if you have comments or questions regarding Village Voice Media going forward.
Jim Larkin
Village Voice Media