Meet The New Wonkettes: Fewer Ovaries, Fresher Livers

The folks on the Gawker Media mothership came up with a brilliant solution to the problem of Original Wonkette Ana Marie Cox's graduation to the world of full-time book-writing: Hire two dudes to take her place. That's right, Wonkette now features two decidedly non-ette editors, David "Underneath Their Robes" Lat, and Alex "In Case Of Gawker Hangover Emergency, Break Glass" Pareene, both of whom you may already be familiar with if you're as blog-crazed as we think you are. We welcome them into the family with open arms, and look forward to having some new people with whom to share the awkward silences at Gawker Media Thanksgiving dinners. (Note to the boys: If you don't let Denton cut the turkey, he'll pout all night and intentionally burn the yams.) Stop by and say hello to the new politics-obsessed regime; if their first day is anything like ours was, they're already drunk on Wild Turkey and cruising Craigslist in search of temporary companionship.