The Agent Dance: ICM Denies Endeavor Rumor

On Thursday, it seemed like everyone in town was hearing that ICM had a deal in place to acquire Endeavor. Since then, though, things have been quieter than the moment between someone at an agency staff meeting declaring, "You know who I think is finally going to be a big, big star? Paul Walker!" and the ensuing waves of laughter breaking the uncomfortable silence once everyone realizes they have a first-rate jokester in their midst. We've still seen or heard no official shooting-down of the rumored deal, but this interoffice denial from ICM chairman Jeff Berg seems to have "leaked" from within the agency's walls and into a number of industry inboxes:
From: ICM Corporate Communications
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:27 PM
Subject: Note from Jeff Berg
Importance: High
I know many of you may have been hearing rumors that ICM has closed a deal to acquire another talent agency or that such a deal is imminent. While we have a policy of not commenting on rumors in the press, I want to let each of you know that these rumors are untrue.As I mentioned in my note to you upon the company's recapitalization, we will continue to explore ways for ICM to grow and offer new services to our clients. If and when there is news to announce, I will notify you first. In the meantime, it's business as usual.
So there you have it, for now: A secret denial that no one in the press was intended to see, protected as it was by the impenetrable security of the "send all" button and the pinky-swear promises of several hundred recipients.
If you're inclined to believe there's nothing cooking, it's a shame for ICM's clients, who may be denied several exciting "new services" made possible by the rumored deal; we hear that the topless car wash staffed entirely by junior Endeavor agents grateful to still have their jobs was going to be a huge hit.