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Today is a momentous day in the history of medialand: It's our first day without founding 'Bowler and rabid Canadian Rachel Sklar manning Mediabistro's FishbowlNY. We naturally wish all the best to Rachel — undoubtedly the kindest person you'll ever meet at some blogger party at 2 in the morning — but we also must use this opportunity to take care of some business. That's right, folks, it's time to update the Greg Lindsay Career Trajectory. As it now stands:

Contributing Editor, Folio
Staff, Women's Wear Daily
Freelance, Mediabistro
Freelance, Business 2.0
Freelance, Gridskipper
Freelance, Lindsayism
Sleeping in airports for three weeks, Ad Age
Part-time, substitute, backup blogging, FishbowlNY

At least it's a step up from sleeping in the airport. We think.

Farewell to a Fishbowl
Something Special in the Air
The Life of a Media Reporter: Greg Linsday's Career Trajectory