This image was lost some time after publication.'s film critic, Paul Clinton, died earlier this week in Los Angeles. He was 53 years old, and — war in Iraq or not — we find that, too, to be tragically young.

The even greater tragedy, however, might well be his obituary, written by his editor. An enterprising reader provided a translation:

• "But there was something perfect: Paul, to his credit, was a perfect gentleman about my tinkering."
That's the best I can come up with - he didn't scream about me monkeying with his copy.

• "Paul wasn't the most artful writer — or most art-obsessed movie reviewer — as he would be the first to tell you."
Really, he wasn't very good at his job. And, boy, I sure had to spend a lot of time rewriting his stuff.

• "He hoped his reviews could be a guide for moviegoers. If not, that was OK: he didn't take himself too seriously, and he hoped you didn't, either."
Why did he bother? Why do I bother?

• "I don't know much about Paul's upbringing beyond a few facts."
I could have found them before writing this obit. But I'm too worn out from all that rewriting.

• "He was also a manic driver, showing me L.A. through the windshield of his over-accelerated, short-stopping Saab convertible. He was a friend."
Well, not a good friend. Glad I remembered that driving story, at least.

• "Paul would likely say elements of those films were 'perfect.' I would, again, take that word out if I could. And then the two of us would laugh again, and prepare for next week's review."
Oh, don't people love having their work altered? It just makes them laugh and laugh.

Paul Clinton, Film Critic, Dead []